Life Explored Course at St. Peter's
2 Sep 2017 • St Peter's Parish News
LIFE EXPLORED has been designed to speak powerfully to those who don’t consider themselves to be religious and have never read the Bible. But it will also provoke good discussions among followers of Christ, too.
The next Life Explored course will be over five Monday evenings (Mondays 2, 9, 16, and 30th October and 6, 13, 20 November 7.15pm to 9.45pm) and features a combination of short films - shot around the world and discussions based around the films and selected bible passages. The Life Explored course asks what knowing God offers us as we try to satisfy our deepest desires for happiness in today’s world.
We all want to be happy. Why is lasting happiness so hard to find?
The course an exposé of the little gods that promise us so much happiness, yet deliver so little. As it explores the Bible story (creation, fall, redemption, new creation), Life Explored shows how our deepest desires for happiness can only be satisfied in one person, Jesus Christ. The best gift God can give us is himself.
The seven sessions are
1. The Good God
2. The Trustworthy God
3. The Generous God
4. The Liberating God
5. The Fulfilling God
6. The Life-Giving God
7. The Joyful God
Please click here for more information from the Life Explored Website.
If you’ve got any questions or would like to enrol please e mail pastoralstpeters@hotmail.co.uk or phone/textMary on
07977097136 or 01562 720393