A Defibrillator for Pedmore
30 Apr 2019 • St Peter's Parish News
A new defibrillator has been commissioned and installed at the St Peter's Centre as part of the outreach work of St Peter's Church.
Pauline Rollason - St Peter's Church Warden has championed this project over the last year and we are delighted that her work has led to this important resource being available to the Pedmore community.
The Defibrillator cost £2,000 to purchase and install. The money was raised through fundraising events: Christmas with Style, Coffee Mornings, Individual Donations and a successful bid by Pauline for a £500 Community Forum Grant.
Training for stakeholders was held last week where representative of the users of the St. Peter's Centre, St. Peter's Preschool, Townswomen's Guild and Church Members were shown how to operate the defibrillator in an emergency. For further information please contact Pauline Rollason through St. Peter's Church Office.